How do Convolutional Neural Networks "see"?

Oliver Zeigermann / @DJCordhose

CNNs consist of many layers containing many feature channels

Inception Model by Google

What goes on inside such a CNN when it classifies an image?

Three Techniques to visualize this


Which parts of the image trigger the elephant activation

Deep Learning with Python, François Chollet, Manning


Feature Channels
are Activated
by which images?

Deep Learning with Python,
François Chollet, Manning


Deep Dream

Generate Images that fully activate a feature channel

Gives you an impression what each channel "sees"

Deep Dream Notebook

Working on Google's Inception Model trained with ImageNet

- git clone
- cd tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/tutorials/deepdream
- jupyter notebook

Early layers show patterns

mixed3b_1x1_pre_relu, 101

Deeper Layers show more abstraction

mixed4d_3x3_bottleneck_pre_relu, 139

Final Layers can be quite scary

mixed5b_5x5_pre_relu, 0068

Deep Dream can also Dream / Hallucinate

By "over-interpreting" a specific channel on a random image

Austin Squirrels seems to be very sensitive to these Hallucinations