Interactive Big Data Exploration Tools for the Browser

A Survey

data2day 2016

Oliver Zeigermann / @DJCordhose

Target audience

  • Domain Expert: What is possible in visual exploration?
  • Technical Expert: What tools can I use to support the Domain Expert?

Inspiration: Interactive big data for logging with Graylog

Example Project:

Exploring all domestic US flights

for 2001

No specific task or question

Exploring what just might be interesting

Finding the unknown unknowns

The raw data

approx. 6 million data sets

> wc -l 2001.csv
5967781 2001.csv

approx. 600 MB of data

> ls -hl 2001.csv
573M Jan 10  2016 2001.csv

29 colums, data has gaps, but looks consistent

> head 2001.csv

Does this at all qualify as big data?

Certainly no challenge in storing

Big Data in the sense of: too big for Excel or RAM, hard to process


What tools do you use to explore that data and give it value?

Try showing your #data from another perspective with #dataviz


But why in the Browser

1: Zero-Installation for the user

2: Available on almost every device

3: Interactivity comes naturally

Best to bring the data to the domain expert with minimal hassle

Options for Tools

  1. Google Sheets
  2. Elasticsearch / Kibana (ELK)
  3. D3 with crossfilter and DC
  4. D3 loading Segments from ELK
  5. (Jupyter/iPython Notebooks)

I: Google Sheets


Up to 2 million cells

We have 9 * 400,000: too many for Google Sheets

> cut -f2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 -d, 09.csv >09_no_month.csv
> awk -F, '$1 >= 10 && $1 <= 15' 09_no_month.csv > 09_very_small.csv

> ls -lh 09_very_small.csv
-rw-r--r--  1 olli  staff   1.0M Jul 21 21:46 09_very_small.csv

> wc -l 09_very_small.csv
38272 09_very_small.csv

Other Standard tools

  • Excel (2011 Mac): truncates
    • loads data relatively fast
    • truncates after 1M lines
  • Google Sheets: nope
    • limited to 2.000.000 cells (not lines)
    • does not load data at all
  • Numbers (Mac): truncates
    • loading takes long
    • truncates after 64k lines
  • Emacs: Low-level operations possible
    • loads data very fast with almost no memory overhead
    • all operations work smoothly, even editing and saving


Physically change the data, just one possible

Filters Views

Just a view on the data, more than one possible

Departure Delay > 200 minutes

Can already be used for interactive data exploration ...

... even possible without logging in (for you)

Demo: Creating a filter view

Origins of Delta flights to STL


How many flights per day?

Mini Dashboard

flights per day / carriers / delay


The best is yet to come

After quite some time, you get this:

Correlations, Outliers, etc.

Sheets can automatically find this

II: D3 with crossfilter and DC

Things get more interactive and connected

Using full data set of September (10x the data)

D3.js: Dynamic graphics in the browser

Data based vector graphics (SVG)

Crossfilter: Filtering millions of data sets in real time

  • Can filter up to millions of data sets in real time in the browser
  • Data sets are indexed when loaded
  • You specify what you want to filter using dimensions

dc.js: Charting with D3 and Crossfilter

Initial Design

Introducing sophisticated and responsive Widgets

Demo: Implementation using a static dump of September

Run (have a little bit patience)

Again: Origins of Delta flights to STL

JavaScript Code Sample: creating the pie chart

var pieChartCarriers = dc.pieChart("#pie");

Not very hard, but definitely requires programming skills


Things scale

Using all of 2001 (once more 10x the data)

Data needs to be (physically) close to the interaction to make it fast and thus most useful

ELK Stack

  • Elasticsearch
    • Search and Analytics Engine
    • Indexes and stores structured or unstructured data
    • Offers query language to search or aggregate data
  • Logstash
    • process data and store into Elasticsearch
    • Ruby based import description
  • Kibana
    • interactive querying
    • visualization (in dashboards)


  • generic frontend for Elasticsearch
  • browser based
  • allows for dashboards
  • also allows to make arbitrary adhoc queries

Discover Data

using Kibana adhoc queries

Demo: filter for 'Cancelled:false'

Demo: Flights Dashboard

Clicks trigger requests, responses update graphics

Again: Origins of Delta flights to STL

IV: D3 loading Segments from ELK

  • Elasticsearch delivers data over HTTP/JSON using query
  • D3/Crossfiler/DC display partion of data
  • Partition could be month
  • Manually selected by user

DC/D3/Crossfilter Dashboard loading segments from Elasticsearch

Network, Timing, Data Sizes

same amount of data sets, but almost 8x the size

can be optimized by just tranferring fields you really need

V: Jupyter/iPython Notebook

  • Interactive REPL running in the browser
  • Python server runs in the background
  • Results (including graphics) are cached in the notebook
  • can include documentation


Our Notebook

Working on a small sample (just 10000 data sets)

Introducing Pandas and friends

All live in the Python world

Displaying graphics inline


Bokeh for interactive graphics

Default interactions relatively basic (select, pan, zoom, label), custom callbacks possible, but low level

Final Matrix

Google SheetsD3ELKSegmented D3iPython
One tool for designer / user
Required effort
Easy to create new dashboard
(with Bokeh)
Unlimited data size
Unrestricted widgets
Auto Refresh
Turn Query into Dashboard
Add your category here

Thank you

Questions / Discussion

Code for all examples:


Oliver Zeigermann / @DJCordhose