Checking React and Redux code with Flow

JSUnconf 2016

Oliver Zeigermann / @DJCordhose

Flow is a static type checker, designed to quickly find errors in JavaScript applications


soundness, no runtime exceptions as goal

  • By Facebook
  • Flow is a static type checker, designed to quickly find errors in JavaScript applications
  • Not a compiler, but checker
  • Works without any type annotations
  • Very good at inferring types
  • If present, type annotations can very easily be removed by babel for runtime


let obj: string;
obj = 'yo';
// Error: number: This type is incompatible with string
obj = 10;

function sayIt(what: string) {
    return `Saying: ${what}`;
const said: string = sayIt(obj);

class Sayer {
    what: string;

    constructor(what: string) {
        this.what = what;

    sayIt(): string {
        return `Saying: ${this.what}`;

React Example #1: Simple Check with Type Inference


const element = <HelloMessage greeting="Hello"/>;
ReactDOM.render(element, mountNode);


// ERROR: Must be a ReactElement
const element = 'just a string'; // type is interred as string
ReactDOM.render(element, mountNode);


aka Parametric Types

Consider this type hierarchy

class Animal {
   name: string;
   constructor(name: string) { = name;

class Dog extends Animal {
    // just to make this different from cat
    goodBoyFactor: number;

class Cat extends Animal {
    purrFactor: number;

Generic Type information

Types can be parameterized by others

Most common with collection types

let cats: Array<Cat> = []; // can only contain cats
let animals: Array<Animal> = []; // can only contain animals

// nope, no cat

// nope, no cat
cats.push(new Animal('Fido'));

// cool, is a cat
cats.push(new Cat('Purry'));

// cool, cat is a sub type of animal
animals.push(new Cat('Purry'));

React #2: Type Declarations

type Props = {
    // ERROR: trying to assign this boolean to state
    // greeting: boolean
    greeting: string

type State =  {
    greeting: string;

class HelloMessage extends React.Component<any, Props, State> {
    constructor(props: Props) {
        this.state = {greeting: this.props.greeting};

PropTypes on Steroids

Non-Nullable Types

function foo(num: number) {
    if (num > 10) {
        return 'cool';

// error: call of method `toString`.
// Method cannot be called on possibly null value

Flow does catch this

But why?

Flow does not infer string as the return type

The inferred type is something else

               // error: return undefined. This type is incompatible with string
function foo(num: number): string {
	if (num > 10) {
		return 'cool';

// nullable type: the one inferred
function foo(num: number): ?string {
	if (num > 10) {
		return 'cool';

// to fix this, we need to check the result
const fooed: ?string = foo(100);
if (fooed) {

Non-nullable types

Types are non-nullable by default in Flow

Nullable types in Flow also possible

React Example #3: Redux Action types

type Action<ActionType, PayloadType> = {
    type: ActionType;
    payload: PayloadType;

// Action is a generic type
type GreetingAction =
    Action<'UPDATE_GREETING' | 'RESET_GREETING', ?string>;

React Example #3: Redux Action Creators

function updateGreeting(greeting: string): GreetingAction {
    return {
        // must be UPDATE_GREETING' or 'RESET_GREETING
        type: 'UPDATE_GREETING',
        // must be a string or null/undefined
        payload: greeting

function resetGreeting(): GreetingAction {
    return {
        type: 'RESET_GREETING',
        // payload may be null or undefined
        payload: null

React Example #3: Redux Reducer

// ERROR: this for sure is string
// function greetingReducer(state = 'Hello', action): number {
function greetingReducer(state: string = 'Hello',
                         action: GreetingAction): ?string {
    // flow will likely check that all cases are matched in the future
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'UPDATE_GREETING':
            return action.payload;
        case  'RESET_GREETING':
            return '';
            return state;

Changes the way you write code

Allows for reliable refactoring (at least in WebStorm)

Catches errors before you even start your app


  • type annotations can be removed by babel
  • WebStorm supports flow
  • npm flow-bin

Thank you!

Questions / Discussion

Oliver Zeigermann / @DJCordhose