Checking React with Flow

ReactEurope 2016

Oliver Zeigermann / @DJCordhose

Flow is a static type checker, designed to quickly find errors in JavaScript applications

Example #1: Simple Check with Type Inference

const element = 'just a string'; // type is interred as string
ReactDOM.render(element, mountNode);

Message from flow

 12: ReactDOM.render(element, mountNode);
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ call of method `render`
 12: ReactDOM.render(element, mountNode);
                     ^^^^^^^ string. This type is incompatible with
237:     element: React$Element<Config>,
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ React$Element.
See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_1ddc81a6/react.js:237

Example #2: Type Declarations

type State =  {
    greeting: string;

type Props = {
    // ERROR: trying to assign this boolean to state
    // greeting: boolean
    greeting: string

class HelloMessage extends React.Component<any, Props, State> {
    constructor(props: Props) {
        this.state = {greeting: this.props.greeting};

PropTypes on Steroids

Example #3: Redux Action types

type GreetingAction = {
    payload: ?string;

// action creator
function updateGreeting(greeting: string): GreetingAction {
    return {
        // must be 'UPDATE_GREETING' or 'RESET_GREETING'
        actionType: 'UPDATE_GREETING',
        // must be a string or null/undefined
        payload: greeting

Changes the way you write code

Allows for reliable refactoring (at least in WebStorm)

Catches errors before you even start your app