Interactive Data Exploration in the Browser

Oliver Zeigermann / @DJCordhose

Using Interactive Data Visualization to
explore the world

not to tell a story

Credit for coining the term goes to @moritz_stefaner: Worlds, not Stories: data visualization as a macroscope

Example: Exploring all data sets of domestic US air-traffic

for September 2001


Option #1: Interactive queries using Elasticsearch/Kibana

Flights from LA or Newyark to Denver or Clinton between September 10th 2001, 11:12 and 15:38?

Option #2: Kibana interactive Dashboard

Clicks re-run augmented Elasticsearch query

Option #3: Filtering directly in the browser using D3 with crossfilter and DC

Example: All flights from Hawaii

Run (have a little bit patience)

Data served from static JSON file

Thank you

Code: /


Oliver Zeigermann / @DJCordhose